The future of the newspaper

From: “European papers optimistic on future — with web’s help” (Sent to me by M&G Online editor, Riaan Wolmarans.)

…but European editors interviewed by the Associated Press appear strikingly optimistic about the future. They see the online media explosion more as an opportunity than as a threat, and express confidence they can provide the content readers need — whether it’s accessed on newsprint, a computer screen, a smart phone or a futuristic electronic scroll.

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It is one of the more grounded articles I’ve read on this subject. With the rise of online media and online citizen media, the role of newspapers will change. And no — the newspaper industry will not die, but innovate, adapt and continue to thrive. The following however may happen:

  • Newspapers will become increasingly niched and expensive. They will be a luxury/lifestyle item. Advertisers will love them.
  • Newspapers that concentrate on comment & in-depth articles as opposed to hard news articles will do better.
  • Newspapers that integrate with their online presence, with interactive features and multimedia will do better.
  • Dailies are going to be under more pressure than weeklies. Weekend weeklies will do better.
  • Dailies or weeklies that serve developing markets or lower-income group readers will continue to thrive until internet connectivity becomes more affordable and widespread. Online access via mobile phones will pose a challenge to these publications in the future, but it won’t be nearly as dramatic as that of PC-based online useage.
  • Classified advertising will be almost exclusively online and mobile-based in the future

– Sunday Times (weekly, but should be more analytical)
– Mail & Guardian (weekly & analytical, needs more multimedia)
– Daily Sun (daily aimed at lower income readers, should investigate mobile opportunities)
– Weekender (analytical, but needs a better web presence)
– Finweek & FM (online LSM crossover, but weekly, analytical, gloss magazine)

Under pressure:
– The Star (should be more analytical and reposition itself)
– The Citizen (more analytical, less wire content)
– Business Day (v. strong cross-over LSM with online reader, but strong analytical coverage)

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