Why every SEO pro should be using Google Data Highlighter

google search

If you are an SEO professional or a business with a website that list events like a blog covering the latest concert dates for instance, well then you want to continue reading and start using Google Data Highlighter.

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This innovative tool helps to teach Google about the pattern of event-related data on your website. All you need to do is use data highlighter and tag the data fields on you website by clicking, dragging and thus of course highlighting the field and naming it for instance; name, date, venue, address etc.

The bottom line why you should be using this feature from Google is to let your results show up as pictured below. As you can see it does not only stand out but gives the user a better experience.

So let us say someone does a search on Johannesburg or Cape Town and you have a website (you are a band for instance) and you used Google Data Highlighter tool to map your data fields in order to create page sets. Well, then your event can be listed below the map and general info listing as seen above when doing a search on San Francisco.

If you are a serious SEO then you will see the potential about this tool for you existing or potential new clients. It will be a good idea to start testing it now while it is still fresh. It is always a good idea to be one step ahead of your competitors.

Introduction to Data Highlighter

It is clear that Google is serious about the user experience and trying to make the SERP even more resilient. This is one of the reasons Google is and probably always will be the number one search engine in the world.

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