Here are 10 awesome #MugabeFalls memes made by Memeburn readers

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After forcing journalists to delete pictures and suspending 27 of his body guards, Zimbabwe’s president Robert Mugabe’s fall, or just #MugabeFalls, blew up in his face and became a viral hit of wonder. From dropping sick moves on the dance floor to clever soon-to-be merchandise, our readers sent us a bunch of their own memes last week.

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Here’s a list of our favourite so far:

Lost in space Mugabe
I’m sure this is how Mugabe must feel like when he visits the International Criminal Court, European Union or just the cafe down the road really.

Knocked the F out Mugabe
There’s a lot of anger in this one, though the attention to detail (ie. the shadows are priceless). It’s all about taking that extra mile.

Run, Forest. Run! Mugabe
We actually found this won a little bit insensitive towards good ol’ Forest Gump though, yet again, the subtle artistry found in the shadows under Mugabe’s shoes are worth getting recognition for.

Hanging out Mugabe

Memes know no bounds. And of course, a viral meme isn’t great until the freaking dinosaurs get involved.

Motorcross Mugabe
What a badass.

Tripping at the Oscars Mugabe
Jennifer Lawrence isn’t alone anymore!

Evolution of man Mugabe
Cheap shot, right?

Slippery when wet Mugabe
This is a personal favourite, and judging by the amount of retweets it got, certainly our audience’s as well.

The MugabeFalls clock
Yup it’s another gold mine waiting to happen. Imagine selling these clocks. You’d make a killing, don’t you think?

You can make your own MugabeFalls meme by following our nice step-by-step guide found here.

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