Mcebisi Jonas’ State Capture testimony rocks South Africa, Twitter

mcebisi jonas state capture inquiry south africa governmentza flickr cc by nd

South Africa’s State Capture Inquiry has today reached something of a peak, at least in terms of sheer drama.

Mcebisi Jonas, South Africa’s former deputy minister of finance, today testified in the Johannesburg inquiry stating that he was offered a bribe of some R600-million during a meeting with the Guptas in 2015 to become the new finance minister. He declined.

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In a statement, Jonas provided chilling details of the meeting, suggesting the influence the Guptas had on the country at the time.

“He said that ‘you must understand that we are in control of everything’, the National Prosecution Authority, the Hawks and the National Intelligence Agency and that ‘the old man will do anything we tell him to’,” the statement revealed.

“The old man” likely refers to former President Jacob Zuma.

You can read the 20 page statement over on TimesLive.

While #StateCaptureInquiry trended for much of the week on Twitter in South Africa, Jonas found himself in the middle of it Friday afternoon.

Zwelinzima Vavi was among the most vocal political figures on Twitter.

“I don’t believe we will ever reach this the lowest point in our democracy! But then they say never say never!” he tweeted.

Other users focused on Jonas himself, calling him a “shining example of black leadership”.

Others weren’t so kind, calling out perceived flaws in Jonas’s statement, paying particular attention to his confusion between Ajay and Rajesh Gupta.

Some outright dismissed Jonas’s testimony.

And for those wondering where the GIFs are, here you go.

Not funny enough? Here’s Chester Missing’s take.

The inquiry continues in Johannesburg at the time of writing.

Feature image: GovernmentZA via Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

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