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Get ready for the Microsoft Windows Phone

Too good to be true, or is Nokia not cutting it with the Windows 8 software installed on its Finnish handsets? First, the story is a rumour, but it’s one of those “Apple-style” rumours which usually turn out to be true. Point of fact, this site almost outright confirms it. It cites an anonymous source, as one will, that is “known to them”.

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There’s no reason that Microsoft should not release a Windows Phone of its own making. But there’s a two reasons why it’s not a good idea, but a damn good idea.

Reason 1: Nokia may not bring the noise

Sure, Nokia’s got its snazzy new Lumia range to keep us busy, but what if that doesn’t pan out? With the current kings of smartphones, namely the iPhones and Galaxys of the world burning up the sales charts, is there space for a Nokia branded Windows product? An in-house Microsoft phone may be a great and secret contingency plan for the big-M.

Reason 2: It’s all business for Microsoft

Money is the driving factor of our capitalist-driven society. Microsoft’s ultimate goal may be to sell its Windows Phones directly through Microsoft stores, both online and the brick-and-mortar variety. This cuts out the Nokia middleman. And who likes to deal with those energy vampires? Make phone, sell phone, get rich or die trying.

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