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rAge 2016: 8 quick tips to keep in mind

Cape Town has already received rAge this year, but we all know that was a token effort. The real deal kicks off this weekend as rAge 2016 opens up in Northgate at the Coca Cola Ticketpro Dome.

You don’t want to be unprepared though, so here are a few tips to bear in mind (most courtesy of Graham van der Made!) when packing your bags.

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Bring a backpack

One of the highlights of rAge is the sheer amount of discounted goods on offer. So it stands to reason then that you’ll want to bring a backpack to load up on items.

Of course, the other reason to bring a backpack is to keep other essentials in there. Speaking of “essentials”…

You’ll want to carry cash

Sure, mobile payments are becoming bigger and bigger, but you still want to carry some cash with you when going to rAge.

You’ll want physical cash to avoid long queues for ATMs, and in the event that you lose your phone and/or cards.

Food and drink

Now, you can’t bring food and drink into the venue, but the Northgate shopping centre is nearby…

In other words, skip the expensive consumables sold inside the dome and visit the mall if you want some sustenance.

Load up your bank app and a mobile payment app

If you find yourself spending too much, but need to keep the addiction going, you might want to transfer some cash between your accounts. So loading up your bank’s app will let you do this more easily.

Zapper and Snapscan are two other apps you might want to install on your smartphone, allowing you to conduct payments with your mobile device. The general consensus is that Zapper is more popular in Gauteng, but installing both apps is a safe choice.

Bring a power bank and a second SIM

These events are usually a strain on your battery and result in a terrible network experience, so a power bank and second SIM/dual-SIM phone might make a difference.

A 4000mAh-6000mAh power bank should be good for the day, while a second SIM will let you easily switch to a less dodgy mobile network in the event of carrier overload.

Bring your 3DS/2DS with you

Addicted to Streetpasses? Then you’ll get a ton of them at rAge, thanks to all the 3DS-toting gamers.

Even if you’re just a casual Nintendo 3DS gamer, there’s something fun and exciting about getting those passes. So take the handheld along.

Bring toiletries if you’re going to the LAN

Yeah yeah, you’ll be cooped up for over 50 hours at the LAN, but that’s no excuse to smell funky and further the hackneyed stereotype of gamers. So bring a toiletry bag with toothbrush, toothpaste, face cloth, wet wipes, soap, deodorant and whatever else takes your fancy.

Hell, even if you’re not at the LAN, take a shower or bath beforehand and definitely pack deodorant and wet wipes in the backpack.

Ask the cosplayers for a photo first

It’s a big no-no in the cosplay community to take snaps of them without their permission. So do the sensible thing and ask before taking a picture of Hatsune Miku or that Minecraft character. Otherwise, you’re just a creeper (heh).

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