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Huawei ushers in mobile AI era at MWC Shanghai 2024

Huawei is taking center stage at MWC Shanghai 2024, leading the charge toward a future powered by intelligent connectivity.

Under the banner of “Advancing the Intelligent World,” they’re showcasing the latest innovations that pave the way for the mobile AI era.

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Showcasing 5G tech and industry collaborations

Visitors to Huawei’s booth (SNIEC Hall N1) will be treated to a “Commercial 5G-A Experience Tour.”

This immersive journey highlights the company’s newest products and solutions designed to support the deployment of 5G-A networks and the integration of AI devices.

Collaboration is key for Huawei, and their commitment is evident. They’ve announced reaching agreements with six trailblazing 5G-A operators worldwide. Additionally, they’ve launched a joint initiative alongside global operators, industry customers, and relevant organizations.

This initiative aims to propel high-quality mobile video development, a crucial aspect of the mobile AI era. Throughout the event, Huawei plans to meet with industry leaders and global operators to discuss the future pathways for F5G-A and Net5.5G technologies.

David Wang speech: Embracing the mobile AI era

Huawei’s Executive Director of the Board and Chairman of the ICT Infrastructure Managing Board, David Wang, delivered a captivating keynote address titled “Accelerating 5G-A and Shaping the Mobile AI Era.

He emphasized the remarkable success of 5G since its commercial launch in China five years ago. Now, with the arrival of 5G-A and AI devices, 2024 marks the dawn of a new era – the era of mobile AI.

He envisions a future where intelligent services are ubiquitous, transforming human-machine interaction, content production, and mobile devices themselves. T

his intelligent world will not only revitalize society but also unlock new opportunities for the mobile industry.

Huawei, according to Wang, is committed to accelerating 5G-A development from both the “Networks for AI” and “AI for Networks” perspectives, unlocking new business models. They aim to work with all industry stakeholders to seize the vast opportunities presented by the mobile AI era.

Second wave of 5G

The global number of 5G users has surpassed 1.8 billion, and the first wave of benefits is already being realized by many operators.

New services like cloud phones, New Calling, and glasses-free 3D all require a significant leap in network performance, demanding higher speeds and lower latency. Similarly, the RedCap ecosystem has matured in the industrial sector, and passive IoT is reaching a broader market.

Furthermore, Internet of Vehicles (IoV) applications require higher uplink speeds. As 5G-A networks are implemented and services across all scenarios are developed, we’re poised to experience a second wave of commercial benefits.

This wave will be driven by 100 billion connections and industry upgrades fueled by innovative business models.

Leading the Way in 5G-A deployment

Leading operators worldwide are actively embracing 5G-A. More than 30 operators have completed technical verification of the technology, and nearly 20 commercially available mobile phone models now support multi-carrier aggregation.

Several of these models even enable activation of the feature by default. Recognizing the potential, around 10 operators have already announced plans to offer 5G-A services, including launching dedicated 5G-A packages.

This commitment is further underscored by the deployment of 5G-A three-carrier component (3CC) aggregation networks in the middle east and China.

These networks target 5 Gbit/s downlink rates, marking a significant leap in network performance.

As operators transition to 5G-A, many are introducing new experience-based monetization models to capitalize on the enhanced capabilities.

Beyond MWC Shanghai 2024: A glimpse into the future

Huawei’s presence at MWC Shanghai extends beyond showcasing current innovations. They’re also setting their sights on the future with the arrival of 5.5G.

The year 2024 marks the beginning of the commercial 5.5G era, and F5.5G gigabit optical network deployment has already begun. This convergence of networks, cloud, and intelligence promises to pave the way for widespread intelligent applications and an ever-evolving user experience.

At MWC Shanghai 2024, Huawei is actively engaging with global operators, industry professionals, and thought leaders. T

ogether, they’re delving into critical topics like maximizing the success of 5G in the 5.5G era and unlocking the potential for operator revenue growth – all with the goal of accelerating the arrival of a truly intelligent world.

Also read: Three things we like about the Huawei Pura 70 Pro

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