In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Rockstar confirms GTA V First Person Mode with chaotic kickass new video

If you thought you were excited for GTA V before, wait until you feast your face on this new video.
First-person mode is something not associated with the GTA series, but my, it has been needing it — not because GTA is useless fun either.
Since gaming has evolved, and the power of consoles has increased exponentially, first-person mode is the perfect way to immerse the gamer in the chaos — exactly what any GTA fan wants. GTA is really a drunk-on-freedom FPS in hiding.
The video blurb highlights the new additions and features available on GTA V and GTA Online:
…a new targeting system, a more traditional FPS control scheme, and integrating thousands of new animations into the existing game. It’s also available at the touch of a button so you can easily switch back and forth between perspectives.
The game will be released for current-gen systems 18 November but sadl, PC gamers will only see it 27 January 2015.
What do you think of the new mode? Let us know in the comments.