Just when you thought it was safe to concenrate on your work and not be distracted by anything on the interwebs, Old Spice proves you wrong. Fabio, the “new” Old Spice guy has challenged the “old” Old Spice guy, Isaiah Mustafa, to a duel. So if you have plans for Tuesday, July 26th 12pm EST (5pm GMT), cancel them because this promises to be interesting.
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Italian male model/actor, Fabio, who appeared on the cover of hundreds of romance novels throughout the 1980s and 1990s is currently “filling in” for Mustafa as the Old Spice guy.
In a bid to win over the Old Spice community, the model/actor, who began his stint as old Spice guy last week, issued the duel challenge in the form of a promoted tweet.
In 2010, the remarkable success of Mustafa’s “Smell like a man, man” campaign from advertising agency Wieden + Kennedy revolutionised viral campaigns and reintroduced the world to Old Spice. It is fitting, therefore, that the Old Spice team is keeping up with the intrigue and are finding new ways of holding our attention.
The new campaign has been put together quite quickly. In Mustafa’s challenge acceptance video, for instance, he mentions the recent NFL season signings.
The “battle” between Fabio and Mustafa has played out over the last week, via YouTube videos from the newly created New Old Spice guy Fabio and Mustafa has been responding via his Twitter account @OldSpice.
The final showdown, Mano a Mano in El Baño, will decide once and for all who the king of Old Spice is.
The videos can be seen below.
Fabio challenges Mustafa to a duel
Isaiah Mustafa’s response
Mano a Mano in El Baño
Old Spice guy outlines the Rules of Engagement