Xbox Music tunes in 26 October, Windows 8 joins in

For Microsoft fans, 26 October is a big deal. Not only will Windows 8 be launching, but the somewhat-anticipated Xbox Music as well.

The Verge, ever the predictor of techs future, has grabbed “multiple sources familiar with Microsoft plans” and rooted out the simultaneous product release dates.

Xbox Music will come in two flavours: a free streaming service with ad support, and premium music care of Zune Pass. The current Xbox Music offering has streaming radio such as Live.FM and a healthy database of videos and tunes to enjoy. The revamp though, will offer a service more in line with iTunes.

While the service will appear first on Xbox and some Windows 8 devices, Microsoft has plans in store for Android and iOS versions. When the Xbox dashboard update rolls around, and it’s happening fairly soon, music as console owners know it, is going to change. Or it’ll stay same. We’re not fortune tellers.

Steven Norris: grumpy curmudgeon


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