The 7 safest cars crash-tested in 2013


The safety technology in your car is rather like that long-forgotten first aid kit tucked away at the bottom of a musty drawer – about as useful as a wooden frying pan until the unthinkable happens. Until it all goes wrong. Until you crash.

No, we’re not trying to scare you. Nor are we attempting to butter you up for the next health insurance salesman who happens to ring. We’re just making the point that when you’re out shopping for a new vehicle, you may well gravitate towards the car that sprints fastest to 100km/h. Or the family sedan with the biggest boot. Or, indeed, the drop-top that you reckon is most likely to land you a date with Sally, the cute receptionist on the fifth floor. The furthest thing from your mind? Vehicle-on-vehicle violence.

Read more on Motorburn.



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