The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, and at the heart of this shift lies artificial intelligence. Far from being a harbinger…
Everyone on the internet looks at porn. You do, I do, but more worryingly, so do children of very young ages. Given the unchecked…
It’s a funny moment when you realise that the internet has changed your body. I was burning through another late night session of League…
The web people are better dressed than the music people this year, futurist Bruce Sterling remarked in his SxSW closing remarks. Not just better…
“The game layer is coming,” he said, and everyone in the room believed him. At SxSW 2011, the young CEO of SCVNGR, Seth Priebatsch,…
Information is cheap. It has to be, if a fourteen year old with no security clearance can learn state secrets with a regular dial-up…
Gawker Media launched a redesigned version of its hydra-like content network this week, bringing with it talk of the “death of the blog”. Its…
While it’s fun to comment on which new shooter will capture the imagination of hardcore gamers this year, there are wider trends and factors…
It is often claimed that Cape Town’s Table Mountain contains a greater number of plant species than the entire British Isles. So what is…
When you think about things the internet doesn’t do particularly well, it’s easy to imagine that someone out there is working on a platform…
On October 26, Qwiki, a new “information experience” platform, opened its doors to pre-invited users as an Alpha web product. As this year’s winning…