In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
In the 80s and early parts of the 90s, commercials for videogames were few and far between. When you did see them, they looked…
The first game I can remember playing was Pong on a console of some description, whose name escapes me, that my favourite Aunt bought…
The 3DS is not doing as well as anticipated, meaning somebody out there is in with a much better shot at finally taking the…
While dawdling along on the interwebs the other day, I stumbled upon a list of games released in September. And I have to say,…
One of the first pieces I wrote for the .Burn suite of websites was titled “How the Nintendo Wii is ruining gaming”, an admittedly…
The closing chapter of a trilogy is always the most important. If you botch the ending any goodwill you may have manufactured in the…
True remakes in games. Why so few? Hollywood loves remaking the same stuff ad nauseum, whereas game studios just rewarm or port over. While…
Imagine for a moment that you’ve decided to spend your money on… something, anything really. A car, a cellphone, an iPad, a haircut, pay…
Even though I’ve been connected to Xbox Live and the PSN network for a while now, there is one aspect of those services which…
Blizzard is planning on implementing an auction house within its heavily anticipated game Diablo III, that will transact in real currency, the game developer…