Tech giant TCL has just landed a major victory, securing a long-term global partnership with the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that extends all the…
Netflix’s bet on data and the death of Friendster: top stories you should read
Ah, technology. As popstars and Netflix have discovered, advances in computing can mean big business — be it a smoother sound in your next…
What is the state of Silicon Valley today?
There is always a vibe in the Valley. Something is in, something is out. Someone is the shit, someone is shit. It doesn’t matter…
Hacking Facebook and surviving a job at Amazon: top stories you should read
Believe it or not, there was apparently a time when online advertising was useful, at least in the minds of the people who were…
Misogyny behind the Great Firewall: China’s online gamers need to grow up
Warning: This story contains images that may not be safe for your workplace. Last week, I wrote up a story about a World of…