In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Here’s ‘Game of Thrones’ reimagined as an 8-bit Nintendo game

If I was an unoriginal writer, I’d say “nothing puts the ‘Game’ in Game of Thrones like these gifs,” but instead, I’m saying how incredibly faithful these ten animated 8-bit gifs are. Imgur user GnarW0lves has created ten stunning animated shorts and judging by her twitter profile, fantasy worlds are her unmitigated passion.
The graphics have a rather Shovel Knight look to them and if there’s any genius developer out there who wants to create a retro Game of Thrones game with GnarW0lves help, you’d be doing the internet a great service. The controls would be exceedingly simple. Push ‘A’ to jump and ‘B’ to randomly kill a fan-favourite character.
Let’s journey through some of Game of Thrones most memorable scenes and of course, there be spoilers aplenty.
Ned Stark loses his head
Jon Snow defeats his first White Walker
Bronn fights for Tyrion’s life, throws Vardis from the Moon Door
Wildfire explosion wins the battle of Blackwater
Viserys loses the ALS gold bucket challenge
“A dragon is not a slave!”
The Mountain being The Mountain
Everyone’s favourite wedding is red
The moment Sam became a bad-ass
The Hound hates fire, but never loses (unless it’s the strongest woman in Westeros)