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This ‘Batman: Arkham Knight’ trailer wants us all to man-up [video]

The latest trailer for Batman: Arkham Knight could easily be confused with the Gotham TV series.
The first minute jumps between a couple of Gothamites, each suffering their own form of social challenges in the dark, dark city. That’s until they all decide to man-up and take on their oppressors.
#BeTheBatman, the hashtag reads.
PlayStation.Blog writes:
It’s the moments when we are all tested that we explore in our new live-action trailer: times of trial, and how we can rise above them. Selflessness, determination, and courage are all traits that we share with the Dark Knight, and so in many ways we can all be the Batman every day.
While that’s all cute and all, the real fun starts when the actual Batman — in-game, of course — starts winging off tall buildings, kidney-punching grunts and showing off the beautifully dark city landscape.
We also get entertained by Batman’s trusty transport armour, as well as a very serious-looking Scarecrow who looks to be blowing up said transport. Nice!
There’s also a glimpse of the very attractive, albeit CG, Catwoman.
Either way, enough spoilers. Lend your eyes hither: