Check out Navdy, the portable HUD with a sense of humour


When it comes to head up displays, you now have a few more options than you did a few years back (buy a really expensive car or make your own), with a number of the players entering the space, including navigation giants Garmin and TomTom. A new player called Navdy is however trying to outdo them all in the quirkiest way possible.

The device, which sits on your dashboard, provides typical HUD information such as speed and directions. Because it connects to your smartphone though, you can also use it to make calls as well as send texts and tweets.

While the company mainly touts the Navdy’s safety benefits — it allows you to keep your eyes on the road at all times — it doesn’t try to do so by scaring the bejesus out of you. In fact, the company seems to have a pretty neat sense of humour about its product.

Take the promotional video for instance. It’s filled with cool Easter eggs (including the company’s logo on the grille of the Ford Fusion that stars in it).

“Touchscreen-based apps force you to take your eyes off the road. So we started by completely rethinking what the experience of using apps behind the wheel should be like,” said company co-founder and CEO Doug Simpson in the company’s release.



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