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The driving demerit system explained

With the constant delay of the Demerit driving system in South Africa, many people have forgot about it altogether.
Despite a pilot test in 2008, the delay has partially been as a result of a pending feasibility study, an assessment of technological requirements, law enforcement criteria, and an analysis of human resources needed to ensure the successful implementation of the system.
AARTO, or the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences, are set to meet before the end of February in Bloemfontein. This will be in preparation of a country-wide rollout of the demerit system.
What will the demerit system entail?
Every driver will start with 0 (zero) points. Infringements will each have a set amount of demerits that will be added to your driving score. Demerits are recorded separately, even if they arise from the same incident. This means that if you committed multiple traffic infringements, you will receive demerits for each infringement.
The maximum amount of demerits will be 12. A driver is allowed to drive until they have 12 points. Every point exceeding 12 points will result in a three-month suspension. This means that if your total goes from 11 points to 14 points, for a specific driving infringement, your licence will be suspended for an additional six months (2×3 months).
Each driving infringement will also include a fine. For example, driving an unregistered car will result in one demerit added to your driving score. As well as a R500 fine.
Can you get your license cancelled?
Your driving licence will be cancelled if it has been suspended three times as a result of being a habitual offender.
Are rewards and demerits ever removed?
The demerit system will also reward law-abiding road users by reducing their driving score by one point every three months. Provided they do not incur additional infringements.
The points system
Demerits for speeding offences
Infringements resulting in a court summons
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