Everlytic is more connected to its business partners than ever before. This is after South Africa’s most trusted bulk communication platform company held its…
The inevitable rise of mainstream media’s saviour: Activist media
I recently gave a presentation to TEDxSF, looking at the theme of “Designing your own government” — In it, I examined the role of…
Print vs Online: Interview with Marketing Mix
Just did this interview with Marketing Mix on the (yawn) print vs online debate…
What is your opinion on the general attitude of the newspaper industry towards the merging of online and print?
How far is SA behind (in general) when it comes to combining online and print?
What ‘cool’ things do you have on the M&G site that no one else does, and how are the ‘cool’ things working out – are people using RSS feeds etc, for example?
What are the problems/challenges facing publishers that actually want to embrace online?
Should SA publishers be worried about online? Is it a threat?
What is hampering the real growth of online at the moment?
How long do you think we have until online starts eating into circulation/ad revenue the way it has in the US and UK?
What are the next steps in terms of technology and integrating print and online that publishers need to embrace and use?
How can an online presence be using for success brand-building both for the newspaper itself as well as advertising clients?
Has online revenue started to make a positive impact on the overall bottom line?
Are clients and ad agencies geared for an online presence? If no, what needs to be done (by all parties) to ensure online ad revenue success?
What are the differences between having a print publication and an online site – ie what do publishers/journalists need to learn and understand about online in order to meet consumer expectations?
What is your opinion on citizen journalism and its part?
What do you do about premium news (subscribing mostly?) as most people won’t pay for the privilege esp as they can normally find the stories elsewhere on the internet? But how viable is free content?
Is there a threat yet to classifieds (print and online) from sites such as craigslist, and how do you combat this?
Answers over the page…..
Changing media's battlefield
Ok play is over. Need to do some business here. Conference is tomorrow where I’ll be chatting about online journalism vs traditional journalism. This…
Blogs vs traditional media: the Iraq issue
During the first panel discussion of the We Media conference in London a delegate at the conference whose name I didn’t catch stood up and made a very interesting comment. He says he works for a newspaper and that it was his job to review Iraqi blogs for the paper he works for to source stories and comment. He said that ever since he started doing this, he began “losing trust in newspapers” …