With businesses the world over wondering how to incorporate AI into their operations, a ground-breaking young South African entrepreneur has built a game-changing AI-based…
Saturn is the new Solar System moon king after astronomical discovery
Saturn may have always stood in Jupiter’s larger shadow, but the gas giant can lay claim to one title in the Solar System: it…
Cassini’s latest fly-by captures Saturn’s creepy but fascinating surface
NASA has this week published new images of Saturn’s surface taken by its Cassini spacecraft in April. The decade-old craft, embarking on the first…
Cassini’s grand finale: Saturn’s best friend embarking on its final mission
NASA’s fabled Cassini mission is about to come to an abrupt but long-coming end. The craft, which has been a part of Saturn’s sky…
Cassini beams back unprecedented views of Saturn’s rings
NASA’s venerable Cassini spacecraft is currently grazing Saturn’s rings, beaming some astounding images back to Earth in the process. The images, published on NASA’s…