Barcelona was buzzing as Mobile World Congress 2025 wrapped up, showcasing groundbreaking innovations set to reshape the digital landscape. This year’s event wasn’t just…
Pair: The cutesy social network for couples that looks set to go big
Less than a week after going live, a new social network called Pair has been downloaded over 50 000 times and seen more than a million messages sent.
Here’s the thing, it doesn’t connect with everyone you’ve ever known. It isn’t even a great professional networking tool. In fact, the only person it connects you with is your significant other. Geez, the only way you could stretch the definition of a social network any further is if you made one for the voices in my head.
Anyway, Pair has been getting attention from a couple of big-name Silicon Valley investors. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Path’s Dave Morin has also given the new venture funding.
According to Pair’s creators, the social network creates a timeline for you and your partner “where you can post cute video messages and photos that no one else will see”.
At first, the cynic in me wanted to vomit upon reading that sentence, but it could spell an end to all those cutesy couple messages that seem to annoy people on Facebook so much.
The company also claims that you can “chat, share sketches, share your location, and even let your partner know that you’re thinking of them with just the push of a button”.
Oh, and you can “Thumbkiss” — “a feature that lets you see where your partner is touching their screen so you can touch the same spot and make both phones vibrate simultaneously”.
The social network’s creators claim that it is “perfect for long distance relationships, and is a great utility for couples in the same city.”
Pair is currently available on iOS, and allows users to switch from text to video chat using FaceTime.