In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
Win a trip to the MTV Europe Music Awards in Germany with Windows 8

Want to win tickets, flights and accommodation for you and two friends, to see artists like The Killers, Carly Rae Jepsen, Muse, Taylor Swift and PSY perform at this year’s MTV Europe Music Awards hosted in Frankfurt, Germany? Head to Twitter and tell @MicrosoftSA and @memeburn what you would do to win… even better, take a picture and show them!
Only followers of both @MicrosoftSA and @memeburn are eligible to win. Terms and conditions apply, and this competition is available only to those with a valid South African passport who are able to travel between 10 and 12 November. Don’t forget to include the #Windows8 hashtag and show your love.
The competition closed at 16:29 (GMT +2 / South African time) on Friday 2 November.
We’ve chosen a winner… congratulations to Brandon Booysen!
Roses red,violets blue,@microsoftsa @memeburn I ❤ u,make my dream tru.I’l fight gorillas,2go 2 MTV EMA wif u #Windows8…
— Brandon Booysen (@Boyas112) November 2, 2012
Thank you to everyone who entered and sent in so many creative tweets and some really amazing and crazy photos!
@microsoftsa @memeburn #windows8 I just held up this sign opposite the Rea Vaya station 4 the whole of Jozi CBD to see!…
— Hasmita Nair (@Hasmita) November 2, 2012
@microsoftsa @memeburni would do anything for this prize, even tattoo myself! i have the needle ready!…
— Hasmita Nair (@Hasmita) November 2, 2012
My tongue was stuck on ice for 10 MINUTES!! Give me those tickets already, pls 🙂 @microsoftsa @memeburn #init2winit…
— Paddy Khuele (@tlatsipinker) November 2, 2012
@memeburn @microsoftsa What you would I do to win MTV EMA tickets? Braai my Mac. #Windows8…
— Graham Shillington (@sticksin) November 2, 2012
@memeburn @microsoftsa people were staring @ me like I’m mad or something, it’s 4 a good cause I told them #Windows8…
— Refilwe (@Just_Filolo) November 2, 2012
Yessssssss!!! I just did that all in the name of the EMA trip 🙂 #Microsoft8 @microsoftsa @memeburn
— TkAy Scota (@PreciousTkay) November 2, 2012
@microsoftsa @memeburn The stars are pulling out if I’m not there. The show could face cancellation. #windows8
— Dean Bromkamp (@deanbromkamp) November 2, 2012
:”D daaawg”@sashcray: @microsoftsa @memeburn I’ll stop drinking Black Tie wine juuuuuust to go to the EMA’s #Windows8“
— Amber June (@amberegner) November 2, 2012
@microsoftsa @memeburn Showing u how much I LOVE MTV &#Windows8 🙂
— Rehana Seedat (@online61524) November 1, 2012
Check out the full competition details:
Microsoft MTV EMA Awards Terms & Conditions
CONTEST SPONSOR: This Contest is sponsored by Microsoft (S.A.) (Proprietary) Limited, 3012 William Nicol Drive, Bryanston, 2191 (“Microsoft”).
ELIGIBILITY: This Contest is open to any resident within South Africa who is 18 years of age or older at the time of entry and holds a valid passport, excluding Microsoft employees, their agents and their families, and anyone else professionally connected with this Contest.
TO ENTER: To enter the Contest, individuals must participate by submitting a description or photo via Twitter @MicrosoftSA, of what they would they would do to win. Those who express the most creative answers will enter a draw to win Prizes. Microsoft is not responsible for lost, corrupted or delayed entries. No purchase is necessary to gain entry into this Contest. Entry constitutes full and unconditional acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. Microsoft reserves the right to disqualify anyone in breach of these Terms and Conditions.
TIMING: This Contest runs from 12:00:01 a.m. GMT+2 on 2 November 2012 until 16:29:59 p.m. GMT+2 on 2 November 2012 (inclusive).
USE OF DATA: Personal data which you provide when you enter the Contest may be used for any future Microsoft marketing activities.
SELECTION OF WINNERS: At the conclusion of the Contest, the highest ranking individuals will enter a draw to win Prizes, as defined hereafter. The winners will be notified by email by 2 November 2012, 18:00:00 p.m. GMT+2. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, through no fault of Microsoft, within 2 (two) days after the first attempt, the Prize will be awarded to the next-ranking individual. The winners may be required to participate in further publicity or advertising.
PRIZES: Prizes are the following:
3 (three) tickets (for the winner and 2 (two) friends) to the MTV European Music Awards on 11 November 2012 (including flights and accommodation). Winners will depart on 10 November 2012 and return on 12 November 2012.The Prizes are not transferable. No cash alternatives are available. Microsoft reserves the right to substitute the Prizes for other prizes of equal or greater value. All Prizes will be sent within 10 (ten) days of notification.
WINNERS LIST: The winners consent to their names being made publicly available. Winner’s names will be available at www.sendformdata/microsoft/MTVEMAs for a period of 3 (three) months after the final draw date by email.
OTHER: No correspondence will be entered into regarding either this Contest or these Terms and Conditions. In the unlikely event of a dispute, Microsoft’s decision shall be final. Microsoft reserves the right to amend, modify, cancel or withdraw this Contest at any time without notice.
Microsoft cannot guarantee the performance of any third party and shall not be liable for any act or default by a third party. Participants in this Contest agree that Microsoft will have no liability whatsoever for any injuries, losses, costs, damage or disappointment of any kind resulting in whole or in part, directly or indirectly from acceptance, misuse or use of a Prize, or from participation in this Contest. Nothing in this clause shall limit Microsoft’s liability in respect of death or personal injury arising out of its own negligence or arising out of fraud.