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Does the size of your tablet influence what you do with it?

What you use your tablet may well depend on its size. People are much more likely to share via email on a 10 inch device than a smaller tablet for instance.
According to data by tablet publishing and ad provider Onswipe, around 49% of sharing on 10-inch tablets is done via email, compared to 30% on smaller tablets. Social sharing on seven-inch tablets is also much higher on smaller tablets, particularly on Facebook and Twitter.

Interestingly email sharing on smaller tablets is lower even than on iPhones. While there’s no single reason why this might be the case, it’s worth bearing in mind that Onswipe’s data comes from US tablet users.
In that country, the iPad accounts over 98% of web traffic from tablets. That means that the average user age is likely to be older than it is with other tablets. On the other hand, 10-inch tablets also offer more keyboard space when it comes to email.
One telling factor will be whether or not the data changes once the iPad Mini has a more settled place in the market. After all, for many people tablet equals iPad. Logically then, smaller tablet would equal smaller iPad.
According to online research company eMarketer, small tablets are set to explode worldwide. It cites an October projection by IHS Suppli which suggests that around 34-million seven-inch devices will sell this year, with the market set to nearly double in 2013 to 67-million.
if size really does affect how people share on tablets, it’s something that advertisers and publishers would probably do well to keep in mind when developing products for different form factors.