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5 tech conferences you have to attend before 2015 ends
If your work involves technology at all, you know that knowing what’s happening and what’s about to happen is tantamount to your success. From origami batteries that stretch to power smart clothing to 3-D printed drones, the world of tech and its horizon is literally new every day. One way to stay abreast of tech’s rapid and expansive evolution is to attend tech conferences throughout the year. While they can run the gamut when it comes to theme, location, relevance, and quality, the best ones offer thoughtful and penetrating insight that can keep you on your toes and in full possession of your most innovative impulses.
You may feel like you’ve already done all the conferencing you need to during the current calendar year, but take a moment to reconsider. Whether you’re about to schedule a high-end video detailing the cloud-based, integrated business solutions software your company just finished — LAI Video is a great choice for putting that professional video together — or you’re at the initial stages of purchasing a ground-breaking Android app, a tech conference just might change the course of your work and a great place to debut your work. Here are five tech conferences to seriously consider taking in between now and the end of the year.
1. ITEXPO West
ITEXPO West is a conference that offers great exhibits and speakers for anyone whose bread and butter lies at the intersection of business and technology. Whether you provide tech services or VAR, whether you’re a small business or a major corporate venture, it’s usually a good idea to catch one of the two ITEXPO conferences offered each year. Set to take place in Anaheim, California, from 5 to 8 October, here are a few of the standout offerings you can expect from the West version:
- More than 175 exhibitors
- A keynote address by Chris Ancell
- A Microsoft-presented Skype for Business workshop and training
- Over 6 000 attendees with a social reach of over 3,000,000
- Over 100 speakers
- And much more!
2. Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing
Some may find it unfortunate that we still need to celebrate women in computing, but until the balance between the sexes is a little more even within the computing and technological worlds, the Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing will continue to work to one day make it so. Named after Grace Murray Hopper, a Navy Admiral, the conference’s goal is to increase visibility and opportunity for women in tech. Mentoring, collaborating, education, and inspiration are all part of the attendee experience, as women technolologists from the U.S. and around the globe gather to talk shop and expand the role of women in technology. Held October 14 to 16 in Houston, the conference is a joint effort by the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Anita Borg Institute.
3. QCon, San Francisco
A series of global conferences designed specifically for software developers and those who work with them, QCon isn’t just a knowledge-sharing and gleaning experience; it’s also a great place to connect with other innovators beneath an umbrella of community. Held November 16 to 20 in San Francisco, from project managers to team leaders and lone developers, anyone who influences, utilises and innovates within the software world needs to come home to QCon.
4. Gartner ITxpo
It’s hard to overstate Gartner’s importance to the world of tech and business, which is why attending the Gartner ITxpo is essential. Crafted especially for CIOs and other leaders, the consulting and research firm’s ITxpo is dedicated to the latest in technology, the latest in business, and the latest in leading and surviving in the cross-hairs of both. This year’s conference will take place from 4 to 8 October in Orlando. With keynote addresses from Ginni Rometty, Tony, Hsieh, Jeff Immelt, and Tony Robbins, the conference will feature dedicated tech- and business-related content across 12 industries, including:
- Oil and Gas
- Health care
- Manufacturing
- Insurance
- Utilities
- Retail
- Banking
5. GamesBeat
If you work in gaming, you have to explore the many kingdoms of gaming at this year’s GamesBeat: “A Game of Thrones” conference, held October 12 and 13 in San Francisco. Investors, executives, innovators, entrepreneurs, and more will all gather to learn about and dissect the gaming industry’s latest news, tech developments, priorities, and more. This year’s conference will focus in on gaming internationally and the efforts required to create a sustainable business.
Don’t assume you’ve accomplished all you need to in terms of education, networking, or inspiration for the year. Hit one or more of these five great tech conferences to fuel the flames that will keep your engine burning now and over the long haul.