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A Series of Unfortunate Events scores sorrowful season two

You’ve got to admire this franchise’s dedication to the aesthetic. Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events has announced its “frightening decision” to renew the show after a successful first season with an announcement filled with hidden clues and a message from Lemony Snicket himself, no less.
The teaser “A Miserable Message” reveals a not-so-subtle hidden one: the URL www.vastlyfrighteningdecision.com.
The link takes directs viewers to a page that showcases a letter by Lemony Snicket.
“It has come to my attention that, despite my repeated warnings, you have viewed the Netflix adaptation of my distressing work, known collectively as A Series of Unfortunate Events,“ he writes. “To my horror, Netflix has been encouraged by this, and funneled their ill-gotten gains towards a second season of this unhappy and unnerving series.”
Netflix’s A Series of Unfortunate Events will receive a second season in a ‘frightful decision’
The site also features four GIFs, offering the option to share them on social media with concerning captions.
The downright dreary news concerning #ASOUE has caused me to identify with the emotion depicted in this GIF. https://t.co/GlhrddAVt3pic.twitter.com/a410OJkHvD
— Mr. Dark (@MrDarkDC) March 14, 2017
The franchise is known for its morbid marketing. Notably, all those who send Snicket fanmail receive a coded reply. The automated letter warns the reader of the dangers of writing to him, omitting letters that spell out that Count Olaf was near.
Twitter users couldn’t be more excited that the show continues to stick true to the tone of the books.
asoue is always good to us (: https://t.co/HsrEZZ1kgK
— Laney (@reallylookatme) March 14, 2017
#ASOUE Season 02 is 1 of the few melancholic events that I ❤️ https://t.co/DYoc7DwsKJ
— Maia T.D. Azarcon (@Aiamhasvirus) March 14, 2017
— BeccaJoy☃ (@livinginwndrlnd) March 14, 2017
There is no release date for the upcoming season as yet — but don’t be surprised if it premieres on 13 October 2017, the next Friday the 13th.
Featured image: Denise P.S. via Flickr (CC 2.0, resized)