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High five: Weed is semi-legal, Twitter celebrates

Today the Western Cape High Court ruled that it is unconstitutional to ban the cultivation, possession and use of marijuana in adults’ private homes, News24 reports.
Dagga Party leader Jeremy Acton and Rastafarian Garreth Prince have been arguing for the legalisation of marijuana for years, and today they’ve won no small victory.
In a unanimous vote, the High Court agreed that prohibiting dagga use is unfair, outdated and applied disproportionately to black citizens.
The law comes at a time when more and more citizens are calling for the full legalisation of the plant. Last year May, thousands marched in Cape Town for the cause — with arguments ranging from environmental benefits to fighting police brutality.
Though the drug is not fully legalised — it’s still not allowed to be sold — this can definitely be seen as a move in that direction.
Needless to say, South Africans on Twitter are more than excited about the news.
South Africa be all like #Dagga
— Mark Fluffy (@MarkFluffykins) March 31, 2017
So basically you can legally use, grow #dagga in the privacy of your home if you’re are an adult
— Deucez mbambo (@Deucez_Mbambo) March 31, 2017
We gonna get stoned. I’m so happy 😢😢#Dagga
— Theophilus (@TheoArsonist) March 31, 2017
Weed is now legal in South Africa as long as it is grown and used at home.
— LEE (@BlackBoiShine) March 31, 2017
After the #Dagga ruling
— Mlume Bobby, Mlume! (@Teri_X) March 31, 2017
Hai, its really long over due. #Dagga
— Evans Mathibe (@EvansMathibe) March 31, 2017
When South Africans realize recreational use of #dagga has been legalized.
— . (@CALV1N_) March 31, 2017
Some saw it as a brief reprieve from the political turmoil of the cabinet reshuffle last night.
In the wake of the #cabinetreshuffle , the WC High Court gives us a coping mechanism. #Dagga
— Tian Claassens (@tianclaassens) March 31, 2017
😂😂 living in South Africa is so stressful that they even had to legalized weed 😂😂😤
— agony and ecstasy (@simmathebula) March 31, 2017
The High Court ruled that #dagga can be legally used at home, just in time for people to treat depression caused by the #CabinetReshuffle
— Glenn Topping (@groove_custom) March 31, 2017
And others thought it apt that the legalisation was approved by the High Court.
Thank Western Cape HIGH Court
#Dagga— Lord Zang Aphoswe ☔ (@Mzo_XO) March 31, 2017
Others didn’t see how the legalisation at home would change much.
Feel like this decision doesn’t help much though, I been smoking marijuana ‘#Dagga‘ safely at home, what about possession outside my home?
— Lv Rammy (@LvRammy) March 31, 2017
Some severely misunderstood what the ruling — which parliament has two years to effect — means.
🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Awe, let me call my weedman and tell him to deliver a bag so i can go smoke it at the police station 🙌🏾🙌🏾🔥🔥🔥🔥#Dagga
— Secramento💰🍃⚡️ (@KThabatha) March 31, 2017
If your residing in the Western Cape you may use it the comfort of your own house #Dagga
— ig:kaylalinks (@KaylaLinks) March 31, 2017
And a minority were disappointed.
The High Court is well …high we have a serious drug abuse problem this will compound it we all know #Dagga is a gateway drug for many 😕
— BantuKnot In Thought (@NosiphoKhulu) March 31, 2017
Young once will smoke dagga,then feel that dagga ain’t shit then join nyaope especially those at kasi…killing SA live #Dagga
— ☺Abuti Thabang☺ (@Mashiane_tee) March 31, 2017
#Dagga is now legal to be used at home by adults ,next thing prostitution will be legal also ,Mzansi for sure!
— Manqoba Ntuli (@NtuliManqoba) March 31, 2017
Featured image: M a n u e l via Flickr (CC 2.0, resized)