You could soon follow Instagrammers by scanning their Nametag

instagram new icon nametag

If you’re too lazy to ask a fellow human for their Instagram handle, the social network’s upcoming feature is just what you need.

In a similar vein to Snapchat’s Snapcodes, Instagram is reportedly readying its Nametag feature that will allow users to follow friends by scanning tags with their smartphone camera.

And yes, this seemingly was inspired by its yellow rival, but Nametags make sense if you’re an influencer or business. They can be printed, stuck to the door of a restaurant, pasted on your enemies’ back when they’re not looking, or plucked onto YouTube videos or Twitter profile images.

And Instagram’s implementation is arguably more visually appealing than Snapcodes, packing a custom wallpaper, an Insta icon in a white box, and the profile owner’s username centered below that.

While the feature looks incredibly polished, it’s not yet functional. With that said, it’s also not clear when Instagram’s Nametag addition will launch to the wider public.

Feature image: Instagram

Andy Walker, former editor


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