South Africa’s online population is showing increasing enthusiasm for artificial intelligence (AI) as the technology continues to expand globally. According to a new survey…
Ecommerce: how are startups adapting to its emerging market success?
As ecommerce picks up, certain interesting trends start to form that shows how startups are adapting to their individual markets. This is most prominent…
Aim to be unique, not the best: truths about competition from Michael Porter
I was recently introduced to Michael Porter through a book called Understanding Michael Porter: The Essential Guide to Competition and Strategy by Joan Magretta….
Leisure Suit Larry retrospective: revisiting the original loser
“Ken sent me,” mumbles greasy, sex-starved and balding 80s every-man Leisure Suit Larry. From a monochrome display tied to a grey brick of a…
Day One for iOS review: a simple, digital journal for life
My desk at the office is filled with notebooks of varying sizes, Post-its and scratch pads, all filled from top to bottom with notes…