AI-Enabled Samsung Galaxy Z Series with Innovative Foldable Form Factor & Significantly Improved Screen Delivers New User Experiences Across Productivity, Communication & Creativity The…
The game layer and what it will look like
“The game layer is coming,” he said, and everyone in the room believed him. At SxSW 2011, the young CEO of SCVNGR, Seth Priebatsch,…
Cloud computing for disaster prone areas
With the very real threat of a nuclear meltdown following the devastating earthquake and tsunami on the 11 March, the focus of the world…
SXSW breakthrough of 2011? Group messaging services
Every year sees one or two companies come away from the annual South By Southwest tech-fest in Austin, Texas knowing that they are on…
Groupon SA CEO talks group buying
Like a real tech entrepreneur, Wayne Gosling rushes into Vida apologising for being late. It’s only a few minutes after 2pm. He plunks himself…