Review roundup: Nokia 808 PureView

When we get our grubby hands on Nokia’s 808 PureView, we’re gonna review the hell out of it. In the mean time, here’s a taste of other reviews from websites we respect. Let’s whet those palettes.

Engadget — Nokia didn’t really think this one through. It put a screen with only a 640×360 pixel count on their super-camera phone. “It really puts the brakes on enjoying all those pin-sharp images and high-definition video”. We couldn’t agree more. What is the point of taking such great photos if you can’t enjoy them until you put them on your computer? Nokia’s playing silly buggers here.

Slashgear — “Symbian, rebranded Nokia Belle in this latest iteration, is old in the tooth and considered outclassed by all but the staunchest of fans.” We can’t agree more. And Nokia should know this. With such a significant phone, it should have upped the game with a more competitive UI, especially with Windows Phone 8 being released.

Cnet — As you would guess, the 808’s camera is superb. In’s photo test between the iPhone 4s, HTC One X and the Nokia 808, the Nokia won hands down. Not surprising considering it’s got five times as many pixels. What was surprising was that the HTC and iPhone had better colour quality in certain situations. It just proves the quality of those cameras, though.

TheVerge — “About as well designed as a phone with an alien camera excrescence can be.” They can never be good looking, let’s be honest. But for the camera you will get, we think it’s worth it. And the overall look of the phone is pleasing, if not exactly pretty. It still looks preggers, though.



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