In the fast-paced world of smartphones, a fierce rivalry has shaped the industry for over a decade. On one side, Apple, the epitome of…
Could technology make car chases obsolete? VW thinks so

Yes we know, this is the second Volkswagen ad we’ve featured today but we wouldn’t feature it if it wasn’t a goodie.
Quick, what’s the best part of any action movie? If you’re on this site, chances are your answer contained just three simple words: the car chase. But what if car chases were suddenly to become a thing of the past?
This ad from VW posits that such a future might just be possible, thanks to the anti-collision technology making its way into most contemporary cars. While the ad is obviously just a fun way of showcasing new technology, it does posit some serious questions.
I mean think about it: we’ll likely be able to suspend our disbelief for a few years yet, but how long before car chases just start seeming implausible? Will we only buy films where the car chases involve vintage cars or will the characters have to wast dialogue explaining how they disabled the anti-collision features? Where will the madness end?