The smartphone market is crowded, but HONOR continues to carve out a space where durability meets innovation. The latest addition to the brand’s rugged…
Getting to know you — how internet security is changing
In my predictions for security in 2012, I pointed out that hand-in-hand with an increase in governmental control over the internet will come a…
Anonymous set to fight child pornography
Hacktvist group, Anonymous, has stepped away from battling large financial corporations and set its sights on fighting online paedophilia. The group has singled out…
NBC Twitter feed hacked, spreads false 9/11 reports
Hackers very briefly gained control of the official NBC News Twitter feed over the weekend. Their aim: To send false messages preceding the 9/11…
Who the bleep are you?:The pros and cons of online anonymity
Anonymous has given anonymity a bad name. Pseudonyms, aliases, nom de plumes, all have lubricated social communication for centuries. Famously, several female authors wrote…