Forget the old marketing playbook. In 2025, artificial intelligence (AI) is the name of the game. If you’re not already leveraging AI, you’re falling…
Thoughts on Google+ by the world’s social media gurus
Google+ is still new to the field, but it’s already shaping up to be Google’s most successful social media effort to date. While some…
Hands on with Google+
My experience with Google+ began last Thursday evening when I took to Facebook and Twitter and posted the following: Google+ looks pretty cool. Keen…
Google+: The search engine’s latest social attempt to ‘fix’ online sharing
Google’s quest for social importance seems to be never ending. The search behemoth has launched its own social network, Google+, which is an extension…
Why can’t Google win at social?
The number of times that Google has failed at delivering a successful ‘social’ product is in danger of rising to an embarrassing degree. Google…