AI-Enabled Samsung Galaxy Z Series with Innovative Foldable Form Factor & Significantly Improved Screen Delivers New User Experiences Across Productivity, Communication & Creativity The…
BlackBerry delivers touch screen phone (just add phone)
BlackBerry users are a special lot. They even have their own religious rite. The BlackBerry Prayer Pose: standing in solemn and lonesome splendour, head bowed, elbows clamped to sides, hands raised palm-upwards to heart-centre and joined with fingertips touching lightly. Thumbs opposed, picking and pressing again and again to play the holy BlackBerry requiem. Puckity pick pick puck. Puck. Puck. Puck.
It’s a universe that you join, no less than the Apple universe. If you’re on the inside, it’s all convenience and connectivity. From the outside it’s bafflingly buggy and unequivocally restricting…