If you’ve just bought your first camera, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of photography. While modern cameras come…
10 Twitter pics from the iPad launch
So it was the iPad 3 / iPad HD / “the new iPad” launch yesterday… what, you weren’t in San Francisco? Well, the 755 seats at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts were all filled with journalists. Fortunately for you, they had cameras.
The press has been speculating about the device for months — everything from the name to the display and the release date has been rumoured and then passionately debated. Yesterday was the day, and the journalists wasted no time photographing every detail — and when they got to play with a real life iPad, they yfroged and instagrammed it to pieces. Here’s what you would have probably tweeted if you were lucky enough to be blessed with an invite.
We’re setting up for our pre-show livestream from the iPad event! yfrog.com/kh2vytnj
— Engadget (@engadget) March 7, 2012
iPhoto for iOS steals the show at the new iPad launch.instagr.am/p/H4evzmOPZg/
— Cool Hunting (@coolhunting) March 7, 2012
New iPad literally called the “new iPad” (photo) twitter.com/CNET/status/17…
— CNET (@CNET) March 7, 2012
Quad core — I called it! twitter.com/JonPhillipsSF/…
— Jon Phillips (@JonPhillipsSF) March 7, 2012
The new iPad – with Retina display #Apple twitter.com/trevorlong/sta… — Trevor Long (@trevorlong) March 7, 2012
Hey, it’s the new iPad! twitter.com/LanceUlanoff/s… — Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) March 7, 2012
New standard website looking lovely on the new iPad twitter.com/markprigg/stat…
— Mark Prigg (@markprigg) March 7, 2012
This is what the new iPad looks like, and iPhoto. Feels a little chunkier. #apple twitter.com/jendudley/stat…
— Jen Dudley-Nicholson (@jendudley) March 7, 2012
New iPhoto for iPad lets you create “journals” of your photo excursions. This is what they look like. yfrog.com/oexoiifj
— Drake Martinet (@WithDrake) March 7, 2012
iPhoto’s saturate brush UI is wild vrge.co/yCevbw yfrog.com/h3d2zoaaj
— The Verge (@verge) March 7, 2012