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CV 2.0 — The ‘Socialium Vitae’
The internet has granted us the ability to express our inner narcisist. We build platforms or slap our credentials onto existing ones, broadcasting our achievements – even if no one is listening.
The increase of global unemployment rates is directly proportional to the number of gurus, rockstars, ninjas, and Jedi Masters popping up in a variety of disciplines — from finance, to advertising — and for a very good reason. Graduates and even experienced hires need to make an impression on their desired employers.
Some applicants are content with producing the traditonal cover letter and CV combination, while others are producing ‘employment campaigns’ of such a high calibre that they not only highlight their strengths, but have the secret sauce to attract the attention of the general public. The result: their SV goes viral.
Alice Lee captured the attention of the Instagram execs with her interactive, infographic style site.
There’s nothing better than stroking a potential employers ego, especially with a demonstrable use of their own platform, like Jeanne Hwang did to entice some ‘pinterest’ in her.
It is important to remember that the internet is not only a place of success stories, it is also a haven for parody. Aleksey Vayner, Wall Street wannabee submitted this video CV to UBS
Which was subsequently spoofed by Hollywood funny man Michael Cera. Needless to say, Aleksey went viral for all the wrong reasons and the internet collective laughed at him, but unfortunately didn’t hire him.
Most recently, Kirsty Sharman, aka @KirstyCarrot felt so connected with one company that she decided to create the #WeWantKirsty campaign to highlight her talents.
She walked the talk, her South African Twitter followers aided in the dissemination of her messaging and #WeWantKirsty went global — gathering tweets from South Africa, the UK and even America. Her microsite received 2 500 views in less than three days and trended on Twitter in SA for three days.
US resume site — Resume Bear — even picked it up and the 59 comments associated with the post added clout to her application. But it was the printing and wearing of her branded #WeWantKirsty shirt that finally landed her the job at her first interview.
There is much debate online about whether or not online CVs will eventually take over from its distant paper cousin.
Although most of the examples that can be seen online focus on the digital industry, there is great potential for ‘viral’ job applications to make yourself noticed for an opportunity in any industry.
Have you seen any viral job applications you’d like to highlight? Please share links in the comments section below.