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Social analytics company Topsy now lets you search every tweet ever

This is kind of cool. Social analytics company Topsy now offers the entire history of public tweets on Twitter, meaning that anyone can now search through it.
That boils down to 425-billion pieces of content when you include photos, pages linked from Twitter, and other related material. “By adding a full historical index, now we can look even further back to the very first tweets 7 years ago, meaning our users have access to the best, most accurate view of the world’s social conversation,” Topsy co-founder and CTO Vipul Ved Prakash said in a statement.
As is the case with Twitter’s own archiving service, you can look up your own first tweets and be embarrassed by them. All you have to do is search for “from:@yourusername,” select “All Time” from the time range options on the left, then sort the results by oldest.
The difference is that with Topsy, you can search any account’s tweets.
As The Next Web notes, looking up old tweets is fun, if a little trivial. If you’re a brand manager however, you could probably use the tool track sentiment and other insights across a sustained period of time.
In that case though, you might be better off signing up for a Topsy Pro account, which has much more comprehensive view of Twitter.