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Alton Sterling, Philando Castile & Dallas shootings: celebrities weigh-in on America’s violent week

It has been a destructive, divisive week for America. In less than 72-hours, three incidents of gun violence — two by police officers and one against — have erupted across America’s Midwest, Deep South and Lone Star state respectively.
In the first incident on 5 July, Louisiana resident Alton Sterling succumbed to gunshot wounds after two police officers opened fire on him at point-blank range. Videos soon emerged of the incident on social media, and has since become one of the biggest news stories of the week.
Less than 36-hours later, Philando Castile was shot by a police officer in Minnesota, after the car he was driving was pulled over at a traffic stop. Passenger and Castile’s girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, live-streamed the incident to Facebook Live – a version of the video was uploaded to YouTube on the same day. The video (note, it contains disturbing footage) now has over 670 000 views.
And on 7 July, 11 Dallas police officers were injured (5 of which have since died) at a city centre protest rally against the above killings. According to police, two snipers opened fire at the event, which had around 100 Dallas police officers were on duty.
Social media — notably Twitter and Instagram — has been inundated with messages of support for those affected by the above incidents, and leading that charge were celebrities.
Twitter elite react to America’s tumultuous week
Celebrities voiced concern and condemned the Alton Sterling and Philando Castile shootings this week, with the likes of recording artists John Legend and Kanye West and actress Mia Farrow leading the conversation. Hilary Clinton and Bernie Sanders also weighed-in:
This. If you aren’t moved to action by this you are not human https://t.co/2uBGNLkgVE
— Gabrielle Union (@itsgabrielleu) July 7, 2016
So many people work so hard to find a reason why executing a human being during a routine traffic stop is ok. IT’S NOT OK
— John Legend (@johnlegend) July 7, 2016
We have fucking video proof and some of you still are all “well, uh, he shouldn’t have moved his left leg so provocatively”.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) July 7, 2016
We should not have to jump through hoops to prove black people shouldn’t be shot by police during routine traffic stops.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) July 7, 2016
You can’t just go on with your day, you must watch this & we must face this continual outrageousness #ALTONSTERLING https://t.co/NqW3aVSZ1j
— KATY PERRY (@katyperry) July 6, 2016
America woke up to yet another tragedy of a life cut down too soon. Black Lives Matter. #PhilandoCastile -H
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) July 7, 2016
This is not acceptable. One more life taken. One more family heartbroken. Another fatherless child. Accountability. #PhilandoCastile
— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) July 7, 2016
Your constitutional rights don’t depend on your race, gender, religion, sexuality or income. I can’t believe we still need to say that.
— Bernie Sanders (@SenSanders) July 7, 2016
Alton Sterling https://t.co/60yQnwT2T4
— KANYE WEST (@kanyewest) July 7, 2016
1) In the interest of time, would ye noble patriots please provide a list of infractions punishable by spontaneous public execution? Thanks!
— jesseWilliams. (@iJesseWilliams) July 6, 2016
How many more times must this happen for us to matter? How many more must we lose?
BLACK. LIVES. MATTER. #AltonSterling— Zendaya (@Zendaya) July 6, 2016
We need to overhaul police depts across the US. Employ good people who are members of the communities & want to help protect everyone.
— mia farrow (@MiaFarrow) July 7, 2016
#Facts #AmerikkkaAintShit #TheyNeverGaveAFuckAboutUS #JusticeforAltonSterling pic.twitter.com/Pwd6MSZcRj
— T.I. (@Tip) July 6, 2016
Love to Louisiana #AltonSterling
— Amy Schumer (@amyschumer) July 6, 2016
I just watched the #philandocastile video. Shaking. And she’s still calling this “officer” sir the whole time. https://t.co/fotX2Uh5ay
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) July 7, 2016
Another day, another hashtag. You didn’t deserve this, brother. You didn’t deserve this. #PhilandoCastile
— NE-YO (@NeYoCompound) July 7, 2016
God bless Diamond Reynolds and family #philandocastile
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) July 7, 2016
This IS systemic. We MUST DO BETTER. My heart goes out to the families of #AltonSterling and #PhilandoCastile May they both Rest In Peace.
— Justin Timberlake (@jtimberlake) July 7, 2016
I never felt so helpless and angry in my life. https://t.co/46PJ7HVKqd
— Lecrae (@lecrae) July 7, 2016
#AltonSterling Kill, Rinse, Repeat …
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) July 6, 2016
This just broke my heart into million pieces… What has this world turn into? #FalconHeightsShooting https://t.co/2oBQDRSjAy
— Lady Gaga (@KingLadyGaga) July 7, 2016
In London I have to wake up to this. He was black. Shot 4 times? When will something be done- no REALLY be done?!?! pic.twitter.com/OaLn60G6nm
— Serena Williams (@serenawilliams) July 7, 2016
Smh! What is the world coming to! A child in the car to? Really! If u have a heart u gotta feel this😰 so many emotions!
— Missy Elliott (@MissyElliott) July 7, 2016
John Legend, actor Don Cheadle and other celebrities restated their views against gun violence at large after the Dallas shootings:
These Dallas shootings are horrific. Killing these officers is morally reprehensible and completely counterproductive to keeping us safe.
— John Legend (@johnlegend) July 8, 2016
#PrayingForDallas 🙏🏼😢 #PrayingForPeace
— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) July 8, 2016
The TRAUMA that is being passed on to us, and OUR CHILDREN by this non stop murder of our brothers and sisters is sickening…
— solange knowles (@solangeknowles) July 7, 2016
Sick, misguided mfs all around!
— Don Cheadle (@DonCheadle) July 8, 2016
Just heard about shootings in #Dallas Please everyone stop killing each other- no more guns. No more violence. No more murder. Horrible.
— Patricia Arquette (@PattyArquette) July 8, 2016
The unending heartbreak on the news is just beyond devastating & infuriating. I’m at a total loss. #AltonSterling #PhilandoCastile #Dallas
— Mandy Moore (@TheMandyMoore) July 8, 2016
#Dallas and #PrayForAmerica are currently trending topics worldwide, in the US, and in South Africa on Twitter.
Beyond Twitter — personal statements and Instagram
Other celebrities, including Beyonce, issued a statement (feature image) on her personal website renouncing the “killings of young men and women in our communities”.
“Fear is not an excuse. Hate will not win,” she adds.
Recording artists Rihanna and Drake took to Instagram to voice their thoughts. Rihanna uploaded a video of a mother explaining the Alton Sterling shooting to children. The video has over 1.2-million views. Drake, however, issued a personal statement.
“No one begins life as a hashtag,” the Toronto-born rapper states, “yet the trend of being reduced to one continues”.
RIP Alton Sterling 😢 #howmanymore
A video posted by badgalriri (@badgalriri) on