Saray Khumalo becomes first black African woman to conquer Mount Everest

South African Saray Khumalo on Thursday became the first black African woman to reach the summit of Mount Everest, the highest point in the world.

Khumalo, who is a Mandela Libraries ambassador and business executive, previously attempted the climb three times before succeeding this year.

“One of her goals with Climbing for a purpose is to be an example to the next generation of leaders; to inspire them to pursue their dreams and summit their everyday peaks,” Khumalo’s website reads.

#SarayKhumalo began to trend on Twitter when the news broke on Thursday morning, with South Africans taking the opportunity to weigh in on the proud moment.

Even the South African government tweeted their congratulations.

“Congratulations to iMbokodo Saray Khumalo for being the first Black African Woman to reach the top of the world by conquering Mount Everest,” the tweet read.

Feature image: screenshot, @GovernmentZA via Twitter

Shereesa Moodley


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