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Have you used it yet? | Post voice as status update

WhatsApp users on both Android and iOS can create a status using their voice.
On Monday users spotted a notice from WhatsApp confirming the update.
That’s because WhatsApp has introduced its latest feature which could make some singers a crowd favourite on the platform.
Users can post pretty much post anything, from photos, videos, GIFs, text, and now WhatsApp has added a voice note to the list of features that can be shared as a status.
The new voice note feature
While this feature was launched in February, the rollout in South Africa has started with some iOS users picking up the notice from WhatsApp. Now Android users are also on board.
Set voice notes as status updates.
This feature allows users to record and share voice messages of up to 30 seconds as status updates.
Users will have the option of pressing the microphone icon as an option to set a voice-recorded status, for those who prefer speaking as opposed to writing status updates.
Tested on both Android and iOS, WhatsApp has rolled out the feature which follows an interesting line of voice updates from WhatsApp after the send a voice note update.
That’s not all.
Alongside WhatsApp’s update on the use of voice notes as status updates, the messaging app also introduces the private audience selector feature which lets users pick a privacy option per status to choose who can view their status updates.
Users can now control the visibility of their status updates.
Status reactions
Status reactions provide quick responses from contacts, friends and family. Users can quickly reply to an audio, with emojis, texts, stickers, and even a recording.
Don’t miss a beat
A feature called the status profile ring allows users to categorize their contacts to allow certain contact statuses to be earmarked. This feature will be visible in the chats list and contact info and will allow users to make sure they never miss a status update from close friends and family.
Link previews on status
Imagine a user posting a link. Users will soon have the ability to view visual previews of that link. Visual previews make statuses appear better.
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