In an age defined by digital transformation, cloud adoption, and remote work, cybersecurity awareness should be a non-negotiable for any organization. Yet, a stark…
It looks like Internet Solutions (IS) may be creating some kind of incubator or venture capital fund to encourage local web innovation and startups….
Just got a press release today about’s new answerit service. It’s based on a similar Yahoo! service, which apparently has done pretty well….
Well, well, well, it seems to be the month of awards. The news came in lastnight that our very own political blog, Thought Leader,…
Congratulations to the SA Blog Award organisers for pulling in some big judges on the local awards this year. Getting in Marshall Kirkpatrick from…
A newly formed website umbrella body, Website Association of South Africa (WASA), has launched a brand-new web metrics and rankings system for the country….
The new Google country head Stafford Masie held an informal get together and networking session for about 60 or so local internet players on…
Breaking news on the local social media scene:, the internet arm of Media24, has launched its new social news and bookmarking site,….
This is killer. mentioned Afrigator as a hot web 2.0 startup. Afrigator is the Africa-focused blog aggregator by Justin Hartman and Mike Stopforth….
Arthur Goldstuck’s new research at first glance appears to be at odds with the recent statement Nielsen//Netratings issued that internet growth in South Africa…
Received a press release from Nielsen//Netratings, who run the statistics and compiles readership of the major websites in the local Online Publisher’s Association. Whichever…