The nature of work is undergoing a profound transformation, and at the heart of this shift lies artificial intelligence. Far from being a harbinger…
Nintendo’s Wii U console has surpassed its older brethren in sales. In just under two months since its release, the Wii U has raked…
Wikivoyage, launched by the Wikimedia Foundation, is a new site that will provide travellers with information on destinations, restaurants, hotels and whatever users choose…
Beats Audio CEO Jimmy Iovine apparently tried for years to entice Steve Jobs into the concept of music subscription and music streaming. Jobs on…
MusicTiles is a new app for iPhone designed by acclaimed artist Peter Gabriel which will allow users, via a simple tile interface, to create,…
The European continent’s four biggest mobile operators are seeking to join forces to create a better continental service. In what can be considered a…
CES 2013 has proven once again that its reputation as a showcase for the bleeding edge of tech is a worthy one. There have…
Last year TechCrunch reported that Microsoft, Google and Apple were in talks with home automation startup R2 Studios about an acquisition. It seems that…
Since Tumblr’s launch in 2007 it has grown immensely, gathering over 77-million mini-blogs as of October 2012. Since 2010, the site has grown more…
The Mobile Entertainment Forum (MEF) 2012 Americas event brings together some of the biggest players in the mobile arena that shape and develop the…
It seems that a group of music labels have achieved their objective to shut down avenues to access The Pirate Bay in the UK….