TikTok’s Digital Parenting 2.0: More Control, Less Chaos Look, we all know the drill: kids and screens. It’s a battleground. And TikTok? They’re throwing…
Bitcoin: 99 problems, but getting rich ain’t one
Bitcoin is currently soaring up the charts as if Justin Bieber had just released a single with One Direction on a continent made up…
Middle Earth online, those Damme splits and Harry Potter is lost: #StuffToKnow this week
Google lets us stroll through Middle Earth. Eric Schmidt thinks we can take away governmental censorship within a decade. The muscles from Brussels is…
Staying ahead of the curve: 3 massive enterprise trends to watch in 2014
It’s that time of year again, when the technology seers and trendspotters start pontificating on what they believe will be the transformative or shape-shifting…
Evade trolls and explore Middle-earth with Google’s new Chrome experiment
The darkness clears, and you realise you’re surrounded. The hulking shapes of the trolls are clearly visible by the moonlight, towering high above you….