Pompous Samsung ad induces nausea

Samsung says it has officially designed the Galaxy S III for humans. Mark it on your calendars folks; we get a genuine human oriented product here. What were it’s other products designed for? Chimps and tortoises?

Its first advertisement for the Galaxy S III is just plain awful. Targeted at the mentally handicapped is the only way I can think of to describe it. There’s no actual information, other than you will get married, have a child and the phone will wait for you to fall asleep.

Then what? Does it sneak photos of your family sleeping to send to Samsung? “This is what your customers are doing.” Or is it gathering all your information to build an archive so that one day it can have enough information to build an AI system capable taking over the world?

Samsung says, “Designed for humans”. Maybe its next one will be designed for robots. Who knows?

The music is another thing. It reminds me of those “Do you have trouble going to the bathroom?” ads. You know, those really embarrassing ones that you will never admit to relate to. It starts out all melancholy, and then gets triumphant, like it’s trying to say “Hurrah! I’m not constipated anymore!” They could have done something a bit catchier.

Apparently Samsung is trying to copy Apple’s ad campaign. Well, it couldn’t have chosen a more pretentious company to mimic. Good job Samsung.



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