If you’ve just bought your first camera, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of photography. While modern cameras come…
Missed the PS4 announcement? Here’s everything you need to know (and see)

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Sony took the wraps off its PlayStation 3 successor at E3 today. The PlayStation 4 will be priced at US$399 and will arrive in time for the holiday season.
While Sony touted its media catalogue, the PlayStation 4 announcement sharply contrasted the that of its arch nemesis, the Xbox One. Instead, Sony came out guns blazing with a sharp focus on upcoming PS4 titles, indie games and its cloud-based game streaming service powered by Gaikai.
Jack Tretton President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment America said that PlayStation Vita’s catalogue had grown to 125 games and that another 85, which includes Batman Arkham Origins, Destiny of Spirits, Doki-Doki Universe, Killzone Mercenary and Tearaway, is coming soon. Final Fantasy X, and X-2, God of War 1 and 2, Flower, and Dead Nation are all on their way to Vita as well. A new episode for the The Walking Dead, 400 Days, is coming this summer and the Vita bundle coming in August will have the complete series, 400 Days, and other “bonus content.”
Tretton played up the Vita’s Remote Play feature with PS4, by saying “PS4 was designed at a system architecture to connect to Vita. We’re making Vita the ultimate companion device for PS4.”
PlayStation 4
Shuhei Yoshida President Worldwide Studios SCE, said that 30 PS4 titles are in development and that 20 of them will be available in the PS4’s launch year. He also said that about a third will be new intellectual property exclusive to the PS4.
Yoshida presented titles such as The Order 1886 by Ready At Dawn — think old-time London with steampunk weapons and out-of-place futuristic vehicles — and updates to Killzone Shadowfall, DriveClub and Knack, which will all be available at launch. We also saw a demo of Infamous Second Son which is shaping up nicely and will launch in the first quarter of 2013.
Quantic Dream showed off a 12 minute technical demo entitled “The Dark Sorcerer” which showed astonishing human emotion and detail — Sony’s plan to capture a wider audience said Yoshida. The detail was also evident in a demo of NB2K14 which showed off real life Lebron James talking to his digital self.
Adam Boyes, Vice President Third Party Relationship’s at Sony showed off indie titles. They included the The Witness and Super Giant Games’s Transistor. If SGG sounds familiar, it’s because they’re the creators of the indie hit, Bastion. Bot will debut on PS4 next year.
Boyes said that developers can self-publish their own content in Indie section and highlighted Klei Entertainment, with Don’t Starve, Tribute Games, with Mercenary Kings, Young Horses, with Octodad: Dadliest Catch, Secret Ponchos, Ray’s The Dead, Outlast, a Blair Witch-like game complete with shaky VHS camera effects, Oddworld New n Tasty (a remake of the original) and Galak-Z, a crazy sides crolling space shooter. They will all debut on PS4
Blizzard will release Diablo III on PS4 with exclusive content and the game studio will be bringing more exclusive content to PS4 — what exactly that will be remains a mystery however.
We saw a trailer of Final Fantasy Versus XV and Kingdom Hearts III — collaboration with Disney — from Square Enix. Final Fantasy 14 is coming to PS4 and PS3 as console exclusive.
Assassin’s Creed IV Black Flag made an appearance — the demo was shaky, but looked gorgeous — and Jonathan Morin, Creative Director of Watch Dogs, introduced yet another new mind-blowing trailer of the game. Morin says that there will be an additional hour of exclusive gameplay for the PS4 and an exclusive outfit for the game’s lead-hacker Aiden Pearce.
A partnership of some sort between Bethesda and Sony will bring The Elder Scrolls Online to the PS4 with an exclusive beta coming to PS4 in Spring 2014 and Sony is partnering with Warner Brothers and Avalanche Studios to bring Mad Max to the PS4. Sony also partnered with Bungie and Activision to reveal a world-premiere of Destiny’s multiplayer gameplay — it’s coming in 2014.
Call of Duty Ghosts, Fifa, Madden. Check. Sony has 140 games in development and over a hundred of them will launch in the first year — 40 exclusive are exclusive to PlayStation.
Tretton drew massive applause from the crowd when announced that , “PlayStation 4 won’t impose any new restrictions on disc based used games.” There is also no need to be connected online to play games anymore.
Sony’s partnership will allow games to be played as they are being downloaded. Other good news is that, the PlayStation Plus membership carries over to PS4. For US $5 a month, gamers get cloud saves, automatic updates, discounted games, early access to betas, instant game collection (IGC) and immersive multiplayer online.
Through IGC gamers will get access to DriveClub at the start, a new title every month for free, which includes Don’t Starve, Outlast and Secret Ponchos.
PlayStation 3
Sony showed off The Last of Us — a candidate for game of the year by Naughty Dog, Puppeteer — a good-looking platformer — and a game about child that can only be seen in the rain called, erm, Rain. Beyond: Two Souls reintroduced the audience to a CG Willem Dafoe and CG Ellen Page and Gran Turismo 6 showed off its new physics model, new aerodynamics model, adoptive tessellation and a new rendering engine..
A special partnership with Warner Brothers will bring Batman Arkham Origins to PS3 this fall and will feature exclusive content on PS3 which includes a 1960s Batman TV skin. Want.
There’s also an exclusive GTA bundle coming in September for $299 and a GTA headset.
Sony Entertainment’s Michael Lynton reminded the gamers in the audience that they can also consume their favourite eye and ear-candy on PS4 through Music Unlimited (20 million songs, streamed to Android, iPhone and PS devices) and Video Unlimited which has a catalogue of 150 000 movies and TV shows to rent and own. Both services are available on day one of the PS4’s launch. He also mentioned popular Sony Music artists and the Crackle service. Apparently the PlayStation platform is number one in the world for Netflix and Sony is adding Redbox and Flixster on top of its current services which also include things like Hulu and MLB.
Sony Pictures is also at work on a brand new original programming plan with unique access to content that will be available exclusively on PlayStation Network and PS4. Details are hazy at this point still.
Feast your eyes on these PS4 visuals.

The Order: 1886 – Announce Trailer
(PS4) | E3 2013
Killzone: Shadow Fall – E3 Trailer
(PS4) | E3 2013
inFAMOUS Second Son – E3 Trailer
(PS4) | E3 2013
DRIVECLUB – E3 Trailer
(PS4) | E3 2013
Knack E3 2013 Trailer
(PS4) | E3 2013