Foursquare reaches 10-million users [Infographic]

Foursquare recently marked its 10-million user mark. After three years of check-ins the popular location-based service can finally step foot in the playground with social media giants. To celebrate reaching 10-million, the service created an animated infographic (below) to chronicle its journey to 10-million.

The infographic provides a timeline of Foursquare’s steady growth from its 2009 inception to date. It also lists the most popular places US citizens check-in. Banks, convenience stores and retail outlets topped the list.

In early 2010 the site registered 358-million check-ins outside the US, while the second half 2010 saw one million people check-in Sao Paulo and 1 105 check-ins in beer halls in Germany.

Foursquare also measured the level happiness in New York, London and Hong Kong based on words people used when they sent out a “shout” — a locationless expression — on Foursquare. Based on sites analysis, people are generally happy on Foursquare.

Users have also shared their special moments on Foursquare, including weddings and birth announcements. The site registered 6 350 weddings and 1 061 birth announcements.

With 78 387 mayors and one of them the real life New York City mayor, Mike Bloomberg, Foursquare seems to be growing as a possible strong contender in the social media field. There is competition in the form of Facebook places and Gowalla.



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