Get funded: TikTok Launches $1M social impact creator grant

TikTok, a platform known for its viral trends and dance challenges, is taking a positive step towards social change.

They’ve officially launched the TikTok Change Makers Program, a global initiative designed to elevate creators and non-profit organizations driving meaningful change in their communities.

This program isn’t just about catchy hashtags or short-lived trends. It’s a six-month commitment to supporting creators in building engaged communities, reaching new audiences, and making a real difference.

Through dedicated tools, resources, and a whopping $1 million grant distributed to over 30 global and local non-profits, TikTok is putting its money where its mouth is.

Spotlighting global voices and causes

The program kicks off with the introduction of 50 inspiring Change Makers – creators from all corners of the globe who are using their platform for good.

From spreading positivity to advocating for important causes, these individuals are educating, inspiring, and driving positive change on a massive scale.

African change makers take flight

The program acknowledges the power of local voices, and Africa is well-represented among the Change Makers. Dr. Siyamak Saleh, a South African health education expert, is one such example. Using his platform to debunk myths and provide evidence-based information, Dr. Saleh is empowering a global audience to make informed health decisions. He’ll be partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO) to further amplify his message.

Melissa, a trailblazing South African pilot and TikTok creator, is another Change Maker to watch. She uses her platform to break down barriers and inspire future aviators, particularly women, to pursue their dreams. As part of the program, she’ll be collaborating with the South African Depression & Anxiety Group to raise awareness about mental health.

A community united for good

The TikTok Change Makers Program isn’t just about individual creators; it’s about fostering collaboration. By bringing together creators, non-profits, and businesses, TikTok is creating a powerful ecosystem for positive change. With over 50,000 posts under the #TikTokforGood hashtag, it’s clear that the platform’s community is passionate about making a difference.

Join the movement!

The impact of the TikTok Change Makers Program has the potential to be truly transformative. By empowering creators, supporting non-profits, and encouraging viewers to get involved, TikTok is paving the way for a more positive and impactful online experience.

Want to be a part of the movement? Check out the local Change Makers Content Hub for inspiring stories and ways to get involved. You can also champion everyday good by using the #TikTokforGood hashtag and supporting the causes you care about. Let’s leverage the power of social media to create lasting positive change, one TikTok video at a time.

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