Artificial intelligence is evolving beyond generative AI to a more autonomous and proactive form known as Agentic AI. Unlike traditional AI that requires user…
Screw advertising, start a niche online publication
Why spend thousands to advertise in a top-notch magazine while you can start a whole new publication online for the same amount? That is…
GigaOM buys paidConent in expansion bid
GigaOM, the San Francisco based tech news publisher has acquired ContentNext, the publisher of the media industry trade publication, paidContent, from the UK’s Guardian…
If SOPA was an aircraft carrier, ACTA and TPP are nuclear submarines
SOPA is on ice for now — some say dead — but we need to remain vigilant. It’s difficult however, when governments create new…
Major new online player set to enter SA market
The eNews channel, which is part of the multi-billion rand terrestrial broadcasting company Sabido, is cooking up plans to roll out a brand new…