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Ford launches ‘park the car’ campaign

Ford is at the forefront of future mobility, with strong demand for its new battery-powered bakkies far outstripping supply. It has a strategic target of 600 000 battery-powered Ford unit sales by 2026.
Despite the success of Ford’s F-150 Lighting, the company realises that achieving zero emissions for its vehicle sales by 2035, won’t be easy. And one of the most intelligent ways of living an integrated mobility lifestyle, where you can retain the utility and benefit of a bakkie for utility and adventure, is to occasionally park it.
‘Park it?’ That might sound counterintuitive as a statement from a car company, but Ford’s research shows that for very short distances, you are better served by bicycle.
Urban development and planning specialists have proved that short journeys by vehicle are superfluous, unless you are moving very significant loads. Active transport (walking or cycling) can reduce individual carbon footprints by nearly 84%.
So what is the Ford ‘park the car’ campaign, tangibly? Beyond Ford’s desire to raise awareness regarding the benefits of active urban or outdoor mobility, within that 5km radius, it is planning a campaign of incentives.
These ‘park the car’ incentives will be shaped to encourage Ford drivers to know when to park their car. And a ride a bicycle, as the better option to get where they need to be.