If you’ve just bought your first camera, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey into the world of photography. While modern cameras come…
Broadway musical Cats gets its first movie trailer and horrifies Twitter
The world renowned Broadway play Cats is moving from the stage to the screen this December in the form of a live action movie…
15+ cats and kittens you should be following on Instagram
Say what you want about business to business, the internet of things or the mysterious force in data recovery dubbed “the cloud”. The internet…
Fluffy cat vacuuming is the answer to your dull Tuesday afternoon [video]
Cats love technology, correct? They’re often found making a bed on laptops and keyboards, or posting their hilarious selfies online. But that’s not to…
Beyond memes: BuzzFeed gets $50-million from Andresseen Horowitz
Venture capital firm Andresseen Horowitz has just announced a US$50-million investment in hugely popular media tech company BuzzFeed, tallying up its total valuation at…